Thursday, October 26, 2023

Friday October 27 - Day of Fasting for the Holy Land & Upcoming Retreats

Brother Knights,

Supreme Knight Kelly is encouraging all Knights to participate in a day of prayer and fasting Friday October 27 to help bring peace to the Holy Land. We share his message below:

Brother Knights,

As the conflict in the Holy Land continues to escalate, Pope Francis has called on all Christians throughout the world to unite in prayer, fasting and penance to help bring about peace. In his weekly message, the Holy Father implored those in the Holy Land to, “Lay down weapons and heed the cries for peace from the poor, the people, and the innocent children.”

I urge all Knights of Columbus and their families to join me in answering our Holy Father’s call on Friday, October 27. In addition to your own prayerful intentions, an hour of prayer will convene at 6 pm (Rome time) in St. Peter’s Square on Friday for peace in the world.

Together in prayer, we can ask for Christ’s divine mercy to bring resolution to this conflict.


Patrick E. Kelly

Supreme Knight


Upcoming Traditional Retreats

On a separate topic, we also have two men’s retreats to share pass along:

Traditional Men’s Retreat – November 10-12, Huntington, NY

For those in the New York/Tri-State area, the annual traditional men’s retreat sponsored by Agnus Dei Council 12361 of New York and led by Fr. John Perricone, will be next month. Please see below flyer for details and registration. The retreat will offer Traditional Latin Masses. Please RSVP as soon as possible. Contact Dan at 718-829-8056.

Traditional Men’s Silent Retreat – November 30 – December 3, Greensburg, IN

For those living in the Midwest, the Edelweiss House, a traditional retreat center in southeastern Indiana, is sponsoring a traditional silent men’s retreat at the end of November. The retreat will be led by priests from the Missionaries of St. John the Baptist, a traditional diocesan rite order of priests who will offer the Traditional Latin Mass and Confessions throughout the retreat. To learn more and to register visit:


Vivat Jesus,

Traditional Knights Latin Mass Network

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Tuesday October 17: Pray and Fast for the Holy Land

Brother Knights,

In the latest e-newsletter of Knightline, Supreme Knight is calling upon all Knights to pray and fast today Tuesday October 17 to bring peace and reconciliation to the Holy Land. This request comes at the behest of the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem.

Supreme Knight Kelly said: “Together in prayer, we can beg Christ’s mercy and peace upon all those who are suffering.”

To learn more visit the Latin Patriarch's website: 

Vivat Jesus

Traditional Knights Latin Mass Network

Thursday, October 12, 2023

October 12, 1492: For Columbus Is Ours

Today, Thursday October 12 is the 531th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ discovery of the New World.

In 1892, Pope Leo XIII decreed that a votive Mass of the Holy Trinity be offered today in thanksgiving for Columbus’ discovery and bringing the Catholic faith to this hemisphere.  Commending Columbus, Pope Leo XIII wrote in his 1892 encyclical:

For Columbus is ours; since if a little consideration be given to the particular reason of his design in exploring the mare tenebrosum, and also the manner in which he endeavoured to execute the design, it is indubitable that the Catholic faith was the strongest motive for the inception and prosecution of the design; so that for this reason also the whole human race owes not a little to the Church.  – Quarto Abeunte Saeculo, 1892

We decree, therefore, that on October 12, or on the following Sunday, if the Ordinary should prefer it, in all the Cathedral churches and convent chapels throughout Spain, Italy, and the two Americas, after the office of the day there shall be celebrated a Solemn Mass of the Most Holy Trinity…  Quarto Abeunte Saeculo, 1892

In recent times, Columbus and his legacy has been unnecessarily criticized through lies and falsehoods.  But as Servant of God, Fr. John Hardon, SJ observed in his book “Christopher Columbus: The Catholic Discovery of America”, Columbus had a deep faith for Christ and expressed it in many of his writings. Fr. Hardon provides several examples from Columbus’ log:

As is our custom, Vespers were said in the late afternoon, and a special thanksgiving was offered to God for giving us renewed hope through the many signs of land He has provided.  I now believe that the light I saw earlier was a sign from God and that it was truly the first positive indication of land.  - October 11, 1492.

I want the natives to develop a friendly attitude towards us because I know they are a people who can be made free and converted to our Holy Catholic Faith, more by love than by force. – October 12, 1492. 

For Fr. Hardon, it was clear that the zealous missionary faith of both Columbus (a Third Order Franciscan) and Servant of God Queen Isabella the Catholic (declared in 1974), led them to pursue this mission.  This hunger for souls for Christ may have also been one of the reasons, Blessed Fr. Michael J. McGivney, choose the name Columbus for his new fraternal order, the Knights of Columbus.

The Knights of Columbus main website has some great resources helping to clarify Columbus' place in history:

Five Myths About Columbus

Why the Knights of Columbus?

Additionally, several Knights councils will be organizing Masses to defend Columbus and honor Pope Leo's call for thanksgiving for the bringing of Christ to the New World. 
For us Knights in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, we should be grateful for Columbus' bringing the Holy Faith to these shores.  As such, we close with Pope Leo XIII:

And, above all, it is fitting that we should confess and celebrate in an especial manner the will and designs of the Eternal Wisdom, under whose guidance the discoverer of the New World placed himself with a devotion so touching. – Quarto Abeunte Saeculo

As some in the Church today struggle with how to minister to pagan cultures, let the story of Columbus, the Franciscans who followed him, and the North American Jesuit martyrs serve as an example to all on how to reclaim the Holy Faith that was introduced to these lands five centuries ago and with zeal share it with those who are separated from it or who lack it entirely.