a reminder that our group has a new initiative to help bring a Traditional
Latin Mass to your parish/Council.
your council’s parish does not have a Latin Mass and you would like one, we’re
offering to help your council in organizing a one-time Latin Mass at your
parish. Below are the details of what we can assist with and also what
responsibilities the council will have.
The Network can provide:
- Assistance with scheduling a priest familiar with the Traditional Latin Mass; or
- Assistance in arranging for a local priest to attend Latin Mass training
- Ideas on how to approach the pastor for permission
- Ideas on how to publicize the Traditional Latin Mass
- Assistance with securing vestments & necessary liturgical items
- Ideas on how to secure/train servers and training for local priest (if necessary)
The local council will be
expected to provide/arrange the following:
- Secure venue and pastor permission
- Local publicity
- Certain liturgical items needed for a Traditional Latin Mass
- Recruit and train altar servers
- All expenses, including celebrant's travel, lodging, stipend, and related liturgical items
- Provide support for priests to acquire training for the Traditional Latin Mass (if necessary)
- Take photographs of event, with submission to Knights publications (crediting the Traditional Knights Latin Mass Network)
Should you be interested in this offer for help, please let us know.
- Traditional Knights Latin Mass Network