Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Want a Latin Mass at your parish? Traditional Knights can help...

Brother Knights,

Just a reminder that our group has a new initiative to help bring a Traditional Latin Mass to your parish/Council.

If your council’s parish does not have a Latin Mass and you would like one, we’re offering to help your council in organizing a one-time Latin Mass at your parish. Below are the details of what we can assist with and also what responsibilities the council will have. 

The Network can provide:

  • Assistance with scheduling a priest familiar with the Traditional Latin Mass; or
  • Assistance in arranging for a local priest to attend Latin Mass training
  • Ideas on how to approach the pastor for permission
  • Ideas on how to publicize the Traditional Latin Mass
  • Assistance with securing vestments & necessary liturgical items
  • Ideas on how to secure/train servers and training for local priest (if necessary)

The local council will be expected to provide/arrange the following:

  • Secure venue and pastor permission
  • Local publicity
  • Certain liturgical items needed for a Traditional Latin Mass
  • Recruit and train altar servers
  • All expenses, including celebrant's travel, lodging, stipend, and related liturgical items
  • Provide support for priests to acquire training for the Traditional Latin Mass (if necessary)
  • Take photographs of event, with submission to Knights publications (crediting the Traditional Knights Latin Mass Network)

Should you be interested in this offer for help, please let us know.  
 - Traditional Knights Latin Mass Network

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Throwback Thursday: 1926 Eucharistic Congress in Chicago

The Knights supported the 1926 Eucharistic Congress in Chicago.  Please see the link from the Knights of Columbus website:

K of C Throwback Thursday

Knights throwback Thursday - Latin Mass in 1919

The Knights of Columbus posted an excellent photo of a Knights attending a Latin Mass in Camp Mammoth Cave, Kentucky in 1919. The Knights were chaperones for an ROTC group at University of Kentucky. Check out the full article and photo here:

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Views of a former Novus Ordo Catholic concerning the Traditional Latin Mass

By: Donald Haverkamp – 6/14/19

My daughter and son-in-law (both graduates of the Great Books program of the University of San Francisco) and my ten grandchildren lived in Sacramento, CA and were active parishioners at St. Stephen’s, The First Martyr Church (a Fraternity of St. Peter parish - FSSP). When they first moved to Sacramento and began attending St. Stephen’s, my wife, Kathie, and I were obliged to join them for Sunday Mass when we visited them in their new home. It was here where I experienced the Mass in Latin (Extraordinary Form Mass or Traditional Latin Mass) for the first time since I was an Altar boy before Vatican II. It was a solemn High Mass, and it brought back to me just how beautiful the Catholic Mass can be.

Since I had spent the whole of my adult life in the post-Vatican II era I had become comfortable but nonchalant in my understanding of worship and what the Mass was really all about.  I had to re-familiarize myself with the liturgy, better understand what is happening upon the altar, and relearn the replies in Latin, and I was able to experience the Mass again as I had in my youth.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Traditional Knights Latin Mass Network: Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to the first official post of the Traditional Knights Latin Mass Network.

Today, July 7, 2019 is the 12th anniversary of Pope Benedict's Moto Prorprio, Summorum Pontificum, which allowed the greater availability of the Traditional Latin Mass throughout the Church.

Our mission, inspired by this initiative, is to promote the Traditional Latin Mass (the Mass of Venerable Servant of God, Father Michael McGivney) and assist Knights of Columbus Councils and other members of the Catholic Faithful in offering the Traditional Latin Mass in their parish. 

If you're not familiar with us,  the Network is composed of members of the Knights of Columbus in good standing, and other members of the Christian faithful, who support and promote the preservation of the Traditional Latin Mass and sacraments. Our motto - "Equites Traditionis"

Our purpose with this blog is to highlight events organizing by Knights in their own parishes and councils that promote the Traditional Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form) and the related traditions and devotions.  

We also hope to share some of the thoughts and opinions of our brother Knights regarding the Latin Mass and how it has helped in their sanctification. 

Our website is currently being updated, but in the meantime please enjoy this blog! To join us, please contact us at latinmassknights (at)

Vivat Jesus! 

P.S. As a disclaimer: 

The Traditional Knights Latin Mass Network is not a program, event, or activity of the Knights of Columbus. The Knights of Columbus in no way owns, operates, maintains, or otherwise controls the Traditional Knights Latin Mass Network or its website, and is not responsible for any of its content. 

That said, we greatly support the mission of the Knights of Columbus!