Friday, May 1, 2020

A message from the Supreme Knight

Please see the message sent by Supreme Knight Carl Anderson on April 30, 2020:

Dear Brother Knight,
As the world reels from the coronavirus crisis, the Knights of Columbus continues to serve: providing the charitable, spiritual and financial resources relied on by so many.
Early action at the Supreme Council headquarters meant that we began working remotely in mid-March, ensuring the health and safety of our workforce, and the continuity of our business operations with minimal disruption. Our employees are putting the “home” in “home office,” as they continue their work with the utmost commitment and excellence.
The Order’s agency force has also embraced working virtually. Agents continue to meet and advise members about their insurance and financial needs, but now they do so online through secure Skype appointments. The financial services and products we offer are important in normal circumstances; they are vital during this pandemic.
The Knights of Columbus remains financially strong. On April 6, Standard and Poor’s ranked life insurers on their ability to weather the coronavirus storm. Of hundreds of life insurers in North America, the Knights of Columbus was one of only six to earn the top ranking.
Responding to the pandemic, in March we launched a new initiative — “Leave No Neighbor Behind” — and councils worldwide are already implementing it, providing critical support in neighborhoods and parishes, donating blood, and ensuring that no one is forgotten. The Supreme Council has also launched a multimillion-dollar campaign to support food banks in the United States and Canada, and we are providing a financial lifeline for dioceses as well.
These efforts complement the countless ways that brother Knights are helping the sick, the hungry and others in need. Our charitable work in North America is so significant that the White House has asked for regular updates on our relief efforts.
During this pandemic we have also adapted from in-person meetings to having councils conduct essential business remotely. The Supreme Council has also provided a platform to allow every jurisdiction to hold a virtual state convention. The means of connecting has changed, but our proud tradition of faith in action has not.
Our actions have been a powerful witness, and a recent degree ceremony, held online, produced the largest number of new members from a single event in our Order’s history. The Supreme Council is hosting our new Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity online every Thursday. In addition, our eMembership option continues to provide a quick and easy way for men to join our brotherhood.
The Knights of Columbus has risen to meet every challenge we have faced since 1882. In fact, COVID-19 is the third pandemic in our Order’s history. As we have always done before, we will prevail and do immense good during this time. Not only will the Order come through this crisis; we will make a decisive difference in ensuring that our parishes, communities and countries do the same.
May Venerable Father Michael McGivney and Our Lady of Guadalupe guide and guard you in the days ahead. Vivat Jesus!
Carl A. Anderson
Supreme Knight