Friday, June 19, 2020

Supporting a traditional seminarian

Brother Knights,

If you are looking for a charitable cause to financially support, have you considered supporting a traditional seminarian? Our future Latin Mass priests offer some of the best hope for the Church in the next generation. The Angus Dei Council (#12361), Bronx, NY shared an appeal from a seminarian of the Fraternity of St. Peter, a Latin Mass society of priests.

Vivat Jesus!

Fellow Knights,

            I hope you have all remained well despite the pandemonium surrounding the pandemic. I have now completed my first year of seminary formation with the Fraternity of St. Peter at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton, Nebraska. Despite the panic, I was able to continue and, eventually, complete my year of studies and formation. 

            My seminary-brothers and I are quite well. My class started with 18 members; we are still 18 strong. My class includes persons from Nigeria, Vietnam, England, Mexico, and divers portions of the United States. Our first-year education primarily consisted of Latin and music studies with a heavy emphasis on the spiritual life and prayer. We worked frequently together and spent our recreation as a class. We were equipped by the seminary to endure an exceedingly difficult conclusion of the year. The corona virus made it that most seminarians were sent home to conclude their year digitally. Nonetheless, my class remain united and strong. 

            This year of hardship demonstrated to me the sacrifice required of a good and holy priest. Just as the contemporary police officer, the priest must go out into a world that despises his office and person to save the lives of those who attack him. This is what Christ did; this is what His priests do. We can not heal this world without the saving touch of Christ. We will never progress without an explicit social recognition of the Incarnation, for through this the world changed forever. Please pray for the Fraternity, as vocations continue to rise. Next year’s class will consist of 23, bringing the seminarian total close to 100 (not counting the European seminary with a similar number). 

            Once again, my formation is dependent upon your generosity. Please consider tithing towards my tuition by going to my gofundme ( or sending a check to me directly (*editors note: you can contact him via the website for his mailing address). All donations are used towards my tuition and necessary expenditures (books, materials, etc.). God reward you for your generosity.

            In Christ,
            ~ Joseph M. Falciano