Thursday, March 11, 2021

Feast of St. Gregory the Great - Friday March 12

Brother Knights,

Just a reminder that tomorrow Friday, March 12 is the feast of our network’s patron, St. Gregory the Great. On that day, please consider praying for his intercession for our network, and the growth of the Latin Mass in the Knights of Columbus.

As noted from our website: 

 Our Patron is Saint Gregory the Great, who was Pope in the late sixth and early seventh centuries. He is known as the Father of Christian Worship because he made a general revision to the Mass, as celebrated in Rome at that time, bringing it into the form it retained for almost fourteen hundred years. This form, as codified by the Council of Trent, is sometimes referred to as the Tridentine or Traditional Latin Mass. St. Gregory thus provided us the Order of Mass with the prayers, antiphons and readings even in the more recent Ordinary Form. Furthermore, because of his association with Gregorian chant, he reflects the rich liturgical tradition of the Church.

To learn more about this great saint, please see Dom Prosper Gueranger’s entry for his feast day:

St. Gregory the Great, pray for us!

Vivat Jesus!