Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Votive Mass for Defense of the Church this Friday August 26

Brother Knights,

With a widespread communist persecution breaking out against the Church in Nicaragua (and elsewhere), we wanted to encourage Knights, Councils and others in our network to consider asking their priests to offer a votive “Mass for the Defense of the Churchthis Friday August 26.

Since this Friday August 26 is a Feria day, a votive Mass (1962) can be offered for just these important situations and intentions.  The vestments are traditionally purple/violet and the Mass would not displace the actual intention scheduled at the parish for that Mass.

As many know, the Knights have long championed the Church’s liberty and were key in helping to support the Mexican Catholics during Calles’ persecution in the 1920s – one that gave many martyrs including six Knights:

If your priest is able to offer this votive Traditional Latin Mass (found in the 1962 Missal), the laity propers can be found at this parish’s website:

Additional upcoming Feria days to offer Masses are September 6, 7, and 13, 20 and 26.

Blessed Michael McGivney and the Mexican martyrs, pray for us!

Vivat Jesus!

Traditional Knights Latin Mass Network