Monday, February 3, 2020

A Special Request for all Traditional Knights and Latin Mass supporters...

February 3 - Feast of St. Blaise


We are all concerned about the crisis in the Church and restoring the sacred liturgy is a critical part of that renewal (next to prayer and sanctity).

At this time of crisis, can you give us a few moments of your time to read an important message from one of members to learn on how you and your council can be part of that solution? 

Can you also bring this up at your February council meeting and share with Brother Knights? 

- Traditional Knights Latin Mass Network


I’m a member of Fr. William O'Connor Council 3730 at Holy Family FSSP parish in Dayton and I have a special request.  

As members of the Traditional Knights Latin Mass Network, we have all come together out of a zeal for the traditional Latin liturgy, recognizing within it the most fitting way to merit the grace of sanctity and in so doing to save our souls. This zeal has for a great many of us been born out of a unique encounter with divine grace experienced through the mystical beauty of the ceremonies and rituals of our sacred liturgy, the Church's public divine worship. As traditional Catholics, we recognize that right worship is not so much a fruit of an already-vibrant faith, but rather that this relationship largely flows in the opposite direction - that right worship begets right belief. Our forefathers in the faith up and down the centuries attest to this reality in the enduring maxim: Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi. That is: As we worship, so we believe.

As more and more Catholics, especially worthy brother Knights, come to the realization that good catechesis can flow only from the wellspring of right worship, and outside of that wellspring it will inevitably dry up, many of us have pondered the best ways to demonstrate to our fellow Catholics the eminent importance of the Latin Mass in the life of the Church and the life of each soul.

I think we’ve found a great way to meet this critical need and I’d like to share it with you.
Sacred Stories, a traditional Catholic video production company here in Dayton, OH (the producer, Cameron O’Hearn attends the local FSSP parish with me), is producing a documentary on the liturgy that will show how the revolutionary changes in the liturgy are the primary cause of the Church crisis today; and how Sacred Liturgy including the Traditional Latin Mass is the solution.  

The goal is to reach Ordinary Form attendees and win their hearts for sacred liturgy and the Traditional Latin Mass.  

Although not exclusively about the Traditional Latin Mass, the 6-part series will feature: 

  • Dozens of interviews with high-profile traditional Catholics - among them Fr. Chad Ripperger, Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, and Dr. Taylor Marshall
  • Inspiring stories of Catholics discovering the beauty of the faith through a more traditional liturgy, especially the Traditional Latin Mass
  • Investigations to show the how themes like Latin, Silence, Tradition, and reverence for the Eucharist affect what Catholics believe 
  • Theatre-quality production, original score, and a dedicated distribution strategy to reach millions of Catholics 
Here’s the challenge: 

As the project is in its kickoff stages, the production team is seeking $23,000 by February 29 to launch a fundraising campaign for the full $200,000 needed to produce the documentary.

This will enable them to produce a kickstarter film, full website, and marketing campaign.

I’m sharing this with you because of the documentary’s incredible potential to accomplish great good in the life of the Church.

How can you and your council help?

Could you bring this proposal to your individual councils at your February 2020 council meeting and consider, as a council, making a $500 donation to the kickstarter campaign? If just 50 councils chip in, we could easily reach that goal.

Together, we Traditional Knights can be the dominant force in bringing this project to fruition! It would serve as a great way to honor the Mass of Ven. Fr. McGivney and Christopher Columbus.

Can we count on your council’s help?

As the Traditional Knights Latin Mass Network, we have a tremendous opportunity here to bring great good to the life of the Church by focusing with renewed zeal on the foundational importance of right worship in Her mission to save souls. Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi!

For more information and learn how to financially support this project, please visit the documentary website: or contact Cameron O’Hearn at: 

Vivat Jesus,

Jim Warner
Deputy Grand Knight
Fr. William O'Connor Council #3730
Holy Family (FSSP) Parishioner, Dayton, OH