Thursday, February 6, 2020

Denver Event: Leftist Indoctrination in U.S. Schools

Event alert: 

For those living in and near Denver, Colorado, Kurt Schuler, a member of our network, and former Grand Knight of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Council (FSSP) 13025 in Littleton, Colorado will be giving a special presentation to the Center for Natural Law Seminar entitled:

Leftist Indoctrination in U.S. Schools

Sunday February 9, 3:00 - 6:00 pmSt. Louis Parish - Cline Hall Cafeteria
3310 S. Sherman Street, Englewood, CO

Admission - no charge. Please RSVP to Greg LaPoint at 303-638-1517 or greg(at)

As Knights and Catholic men dedicated to supporting and defending the family, certainly a timely subject.

Note: Brother Schuler will be speaking as an individual.