Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Help support a great project that promotes the Traditional Mass

As you know, we’re supporting the groundbreaking Sacred Liturgy documentary, produced by a Sacred Stories, a Catholic film group owned by Cameron O’Hearn, an FSSP/Latin Mass parishioner in Dayton, Ohio. The documentary can help win back Catholics to the traditional liturgy.  Sacred Stories need $23,000 to launch a kick-starter campaign for the film this winter.

During Lent, we are asking Councils (and/or their members) discuss collectively donating up to $500 total for this film (or whatever your council can donate). This can be done through a mix of pancake breakfast proceeds and/or individual council member contributions.  

Can you bring up this matter at your March council meetings?
Why is this important? If we want to see tradition restored to the Church, and to the lay apostolates like the Knights, we have to help (with God’s grace) win back our friends, family, and brother Knights back to the Sacred Liturgy, to the Traditional Latin Mass. 

This documentary is a great practical way Councils and Knights can help achieve that goal.