Friday, March 27, 2020

Online Latin Masses & new webpage

With many of the public Masses suspended, many of you may be looking to view Latin Masses online. While many parishes are doing them, there are two excellent websites worth mentioning which can serve as your 1 stop place:

·         LiveMass.Net – This is run by the priests of the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) and features Latin Masses being offered at different times from their apostolates throughout the world each day. They also have an option to stream non-FSSP Latin Masses if your pastor is interested (See St. Corona link for details)

Their website is:

·         VideoStream – The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, another Latin Mass religious order, also steams their Masses from across the U.S.

Plenary Indulgence for online Masses: Relatedly, you may have heard the Vatican has issued a new plenary indulgence last week to those who watch an online Mass, offer prayers, under the usual conditions. To learn more visit:

New webpage: Lastly, we have also established a COVID-19 & Latin Mass webpage that can provide a link to these online Masses, and other traditional spiritual resources for our members. Please bookmark this page:

Vivat Jesus!